How does a transaction for Used Vet Equipment with VEEN work?

How does a transaction for Used Vet Equipment with VEEN work?

VEEN connects buyers and sellers together.

If you are the Used Vet Equipment buyer

When you see used vet equipment on the website you can order it through our shopping cart after creating an account. We will then receive the order, calculate shipping costs and send you an invoice. You must prepay for the items, then we will connect with the seller to make sure the item is properly packaged. Once you receive the item please confirm it is exactly as it was described in the listing. Once you do that VEEN will pay the seller of the used vet equipment. In this way you are assured that VEEN has control over the payment process, and if the item is not as described it can be returned for a refund within 15 days.

If you are the Used Vet Equipment seller

If you want to list used vet equipment on VEEN you can contact us directly. We have a simple client seller agreement that you would sign and listing fees and commissions are clearly noted with several options listed which you can choose from. Once the agreement is signed we will ask you for photos and descriptions of the used vet equipment you want to sell. Once the items (s) sell we will notify you and arrange shipping. After the buyer receives the item we will process payment to you. You will receive a copy of the customer invoice and statement of payment to verify how much the item sold for.


A regular VEEN sale is sold on an “as is where is” basis with no warranty, unless otherwise stated in the listing. Some sellers will offer a warranty, and some items have remaining factory warranty on them. If that warranty in transferable we will advise so in the listing. VEEN also has items that are owned by VEEN in our North American warehouses and warranty will be clearly stated in the listings. Please note what these warranties are if stated in the listings.


VEEN accepts credit card, cheque, wire transfer, or ACH payments in the USA. These will be clearly stated on your VEEN invoice.


Returns will be accepted within 15 days if an item is not as described in the listing. There are no equipment trials or evaluations unless agreed on in writing in advance of the sale.